2025-2026 Capacity and Firm Energy RFP
Request for Proposal
January 2024
Puget Sound Energy, Inc. (“PSE”) is interested in purchasing firm capacity and/or energy under the terms and conditions listed below.
Please note that PSE reserves the right to change or terminate this RFP. PSE also reserves the right to select or reject any and/or all offers.
Respondents should direct any questions to Zac Yanez at Zacarias.Yanez@PSE.com. There is no deadline for questions.
The accompanying offer spreadsheet is due via email, by noon PPT February 7, 2024, to origination@tt99949.com.
PSE may consider non-conforming bids on a case-by-case basis.
PSE will rank offers based on cost and ability to meet PSE’s capacity and CETA energy needs. Offers that demonstrate clear equity benefits will be given preference relative to otherwise similarly priced offers. Please identify all equity benefits on the offer spreadsheet.
2025-2026 Firm Capacity/Energy RFP Details
Puget Sound Energy, Inc. (“PSE”)
WSPP Schedule C Firm Capacity
- On-Peak capacity daily call option
- ATC capacity daily call option
- Non-CAISO resource
WSPP Schedule C Firm Energy
- On-Peak
- Around the Clock (“ATC”)
- Non-CAISO resource
PSE has a strong preference for resources that are identifiable and eligible under both the Western Resource Adequacy Program (“WRAP”) and the Washington Clean Energy Transformation Act (“CETA”). PSE will require that all conforming capacity products be compliant with the WRAP.
Quantity: Please provide offers in 25 MW blocks
Jan 1, 2025 through and including December 31, 2026
PSE will entertain monthly, quarterly, and calendar year offers during the term period.
Point of Delivery (“POD”)
All deliveries must be on Firm (Priority 7 or equivalent) transmission to the POD.
PSE strongly prefers offers at the following PODs :
- Mid-C
- PSE.System / BPAT.PSEI
- BC US Border
- Offers on neighboring transmission systems if a firm transmission path to PSE is available to import power to PSE. For example, Busbar or COB delivery may be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Offer Price
Preference for Fixed Price
At the time of selection, winning respondent must have an executed WSPP Master agreement in place with PSE. Please see the included confirmation template that we will use for execution.
Notice of intent to participate (“NOITP”)
Respondents shall communicate to PSE an intent to participate in this RFP by close of business on January 15, 2024. This will allow PSE to assess outstanding contractual and credit issues pertaining to prospective respondents.
Failure to provide NOITP will not disqualify a respondent from the process, but it may create delays or timing concerns towards execution of a transaction.
PSE will review counterparty credit worthiness. PSE will communicate any possible requirements to allow both sides to work on solutions. Additionally, PSE may request collateral support based on the details of the offer.
Pre-scheduling will be consistent with the WECC Business Practices and with the WECC Daily Scheduling Calendar.
RFP Schedule
RFP timeline
- Jan 8, 2024 -- Issue RFP
- Jan 15, 2024 – NOITP due
- PSE Conducts preliminary credit review
- Feb 7, 2024 -- Firm offers due by noon PPT
- Mar 1, 2024 – Selected respondents notified
- Mar 8, 2024 – Final confirmations executed using this confirm
PSE will treat any information received in response to this RFP as proprietary and confidential. PSE will not disclose any respondent’s information to third parties, except to the extent that disclosure of such information is required under laws, regulations, court order, or regulatory process. PSE is a public utility regulated by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (the “WUTC”) and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) that its decisions regarding one or more potential transactions between respondent and PSE involving the acquisition of electrical generation output, together with related confidential information, may be subject to review by the WUTC or the FERC. In the event that such PSE decisions are at issue in a proceeding before the WUTC or the FERC, PSE will seek, at its own expense, a protective order to protect against the disclosure of confidential information to competitors and the public. Disclosure of confidential information by PSE to the WUTC or the FERC, the Public Counsel Unit of the Washington State Attorney General's Office, or any of their internal staff, counsel, or advisors, in connection with any such proceeding will not violate any obligation of PSE to treat information received in response to this RFP as proprietary and confidential, nor will the filing with the WUTC of generic bid summaries made in compliance with WAC 480-107-035 or -145.